Maplestory Free Character Slots

Character creation is how new players create their characters in their first days in MapleStory 2. In Closed Beta, players could create up to 6 characters with 3 additional locked slots for 9 characters in total.

I have 6 character slots in Maplestory, the 3 extra ones where from the jobs that came out. I want to delete the character slot I got from the Cygnus Knights job but when i do that can i make another character? Or will the slot just get deleted? Thanks In advance:).

  • 2Character Creation
    • 2.5Top, Bottom, Shoes

Class Selection[edit | edit source]

The first option a new player chooses is which class to play. The current classes are:

Character Creation[edit | edit source]

After selecting a class, the player will be taken to the character creation screen. Here, a player can modify:

  • Gender (Male or Female)

Some of these options have a Cog icon, which signifies that the option can be modified through the following actions:

Maplestory character search

Maplestory Character Search

  • Right-click to rotate
  • Left-click to move
  • Use scroll wheel to adjust length

A player can also choose to randomize their look as well.

Hair[edit | edit source]

These are the hairstyles available for selection.

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Players can choose the color of their hair as well to one of the following colors:

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Face[edit | edit source]

Maplestory Free Character Slots

These are the faces available for selection.

Players can choose the color of their eyes as well to one of the following colors:

Cosmetics[edit | edit source]

These are the cosmetics available for selection:

  • Nothing

Skin[edit | edit source]

These are the skin options available for selection.

Top, Bottom, Shoes[edit | edit source]

These options are equipment that a player's character will start the game with. The default clothing options vary depending on the class selected, but the decorative options are the same between all classes. The options are as follows:

Common Options[edit | edit source]


Class-Specific[edit | edit source]

KnightTria Knightly Battle TunicTria Knightly CuissesTria Knightly Greaves
BerserkerGrandpa's Fur ClothesLilin's Handcrafted PantsLilin's Handcrafted Boots
WizardEllinel Senior Class Uniform (Overall)Ellinel Senior Class Uniform (Overall)Ellinel Senior Class Shoes
PriestSaint Mushliel Priest Uniform (Overall)Saint Mushliel Priest Uniform (Overall)Saint Mushliel Priest Shoes
ArcherGreen Hood Uniform (Overall)Green Hood Uniform (Overall)Green Hood Boots
Heavy GunnerTaliskarian Mechanic's Coat (Overall)Taliskarian Mechanic's Coat (Overall)Mechanic's Safety Boots
ThiefFashionably Knotted JacketMade-in-Kerning PantsStolen Luxury Boots
AssassinRocks Stealth TopRocks Stealth BottomRocks Stealth Foot Wraps
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The V matrix is a skill system obtained after completing the 5th job advancement. It is quite a unique skill system in that you can add and customize your own skill window and replace them as needed.

Players start with four unlocked V matrix slots and as they level up from 200, every 5 levels will open up a new slot. Double clicking a node inside your active V matrix slots will unequip the node and likewise double clicking the nodes in your V inventory will equip the node.

Nodes can be obtained by opening node stones that drop from all monsters in arcane river. Node stones will more likely give skills for your class but does occasionally give out useless nodes. To disassemble useless nodes or to craft a desired node, you can talk to the node masters in either vanishing journey or chu chu island. The disassembled nodes will turn into node shards which you can use to craft your own nodes.

V matrix has three types of nodes. Enhancement node – which enhances your current 1st to 4th job skill damage; skill node – which has two types, common skills for all jobs, and class specific skills; special nodes – which are time limited nodes that adds a special skill to your character, for example increase your damage for two seconds every thirty seconds. All nodes can be enhanced to a maximum level of 25 with the exception of special nodes which cannot be enhanced.

The concept behind skill nodes and special nodes are quite simple so I will be focusing on enhancement nodes for this guide.

I mentioned before that all nodes can be enhanced to level 25, but the level of a boosted 1st to 4th job skill can go up to level 50. At levels 20 and 40, your skills will also gain special effects such as +crit rate or +targets hit (shown below). What this means is you want two sets of skills at level 25 so they add up to 50, or 3 sets at level 16/17, but you want to optimize your V matrix slots.

An enhancement node has three skills attached to it, those are randomized skills from your 1st job to 4th job. Enhancement nodes will have a “main” skill and and two sub skills. When the node levels up, all three skills will receive the damage buff. Most classes will have 3 or more skills they want to level up so ideally you would want all 3 skills in a node to be useful.

For the sake of this guide, I’m going to use Dual Blades as an example. A dual blade wants to max out their phantom blow, asura, and hidden blade for bossing. So an ideal setup would be two nodes with those three said skills. However, the problem lies in that you can only have one main skill node active at one time. So you would need skill nodes with the three exact same skills but with different main skills

As shown above, the same three skills are enhanced except the main skill is different, the first node has blade clone as the main skill, while the second has phantom blow.

If you have four or more skills to boost, than you can have a combination of different skills on the nodes so that each skill repeats at least twice so you can max out the skills. For example, five skills A/B/C/D/E all need to be maxed, then your nodes can look like
this: A/B/C, C/D/E, A/B/E, D/(any)/(any). It is all up to you how to max out your skills.

Maplestory Free Character Slots

If you just received the V matrix and do not have the luxury of picking and choosing nodes, as long as a node has at least two useful skills, it is okay to start enhancing it (if you find a better node in the future, 90% of the exp will transfer over to the new node). To enhance simply right click the node, and select enhance. A popup will show up with all the available nodes you can use to enhance your skill.

Skill nodes are quite simple, just enhance the same together to try and reach level 25. I have some recommendation for skill nodes if you are just starting out.

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Class nodes:These are any nodes that are specific to your class; all of the class specific skills are incredibly strong and usually very useful

Best Maplestory Character

Common Skill nodes:These are skills obtainable by any class. The four skills listed above are all incredibly useful. Holy symbol increases exp and drop rate when training while rope lift increases mobility for classes without a vertical jump skill. Speed infusion increases attack speed and erda nova can bind monsters and makes both of them very useful at bossing.

Special skill nodes expire after a week and usually are not useful enough to include in the V matrix. If you do get useful ones such as ones that boost exp, you can use it for training but do remember to disassemble before the node expires!

That wraps up the guide on the V matrix! Remember that farming nodes is a hard and tedious job, so I wish you guys all the best in farming!!!

Maplestory Character Maker

P.S. Drop rate gears OP